Statistics 999: Generic Statistics Class

UC Berkeley, Spring 2024

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Welcome to Week 1 of Stat 999
Welcome to Week 2

Things are picking up now.


Here we use Quarto’s EJS templating.

For a style similar to that of Stat 20, modify index.qmd to point to assets/{schedule-alt.ejs,buttons-alt.ejs} and to {schedule-alt.yml,buttons-alt.yml} and _quarto.yml to point to assets/styles-alt.scss.

Week 1

Aug 24: Lecture 1 Introduction Note 1 Note 2
Participation 1 Lecture Participation 1
Aug 25: Lab 1 Prerequisite Coding (due Aug 29)
Homework 1A Plotting and Permutation Test (due Aug 31)
Homework 1B Prerequisite Math (due Aug 31)

Week 2

Aug 29: Lecture 2 Pandas 1
Participation 2 Lecture Participation 2
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